The Creaky Catwalk

As you may have picked up from our various different blogs and websites around, we have three cats – and we’ve done our best to make our fur-kids as at home and entertained as possible. To this end, I created a series of cat-walks around the house (which I describe in an article on my DIY page here), and the cats have been making use of it ever since. All three of them that we can see… and perhaps even more… which we can’t. Continue reading “The Creaky Catwalk”

About Those Mirrors…

Mirrors. Most homes have a few in them. Most people never think twice about them. Those who know a thing or two about the paranormal are well aware though that mirrors can be lots of different things – from spirit anchors, to divining tools – to portals. Continue reading “About Those Mirrors…”

A Happily Haunted Home by Christina Engela

Wendy and I live in a lovely early 20th century semi-detached house in Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth. I’ve lived there most of my life, since my 12th birthday (1985) when my mother and I moved in – and we lived there together until she died in 2013. I lived there alone for three years, until Wendy joined me in 2016. Together we’ve been exploring the history and the ghosts of previous residents – as well as various visitors and relatives – and keep this journal. Continue reading “A Happily Haunted Home by Christina Engela”


In this post, we’ll include several series of photos of sightings or supporting images of experiences we’ve had at our pleasantly haunted home, or elsewhere!

The photos included in this post are unedited and unchanged!

Most of the photos will show what are called orbs or light balls or whatever you’d prefer to call them. They are not dust or insects, as insects are easily identifiable by their wing motion, while dust moves slowly and randomly, while orbs move with apparent direction and purpose, and can even hover or remain motionless in mid-air.

(We will update as we find photos in our albums to add!) Enjoy! 🙂

Continue reading “Snapshots!”

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