
Finally An App That Works, EVP’s Delivered!

In June 2021 we downloaded an app called The Miracle Box by the famous Steve Huff of Huff Paranormal, the same fella who created the Wonder Box device used in the paranormal series Paranormal Lockdown and Ghosts Of Shepherdstown. Unlike most of the apps out there for smartphones made and peddled by con-artists, this one…

Some Useful Advice #2: The Risks Of Provocation

Having had some experience in dealing with spirits, we have a little advice to offer would-be paranormal investigators. If you think your home might be haunted and plan to look into those creaks, squeaks and whispers yourself, pay attention. This could save you some trouble. The Risks of Provocation: the importance of speaking to spirits…

Some Useful Advice #1

Having had some experience in dealing with spirits, we have a little advice to offer would-be paranormal investigators. If you think your home might be haunted and plan to look into those creaks, squeaks and whispers yourself, pay attention. This could save you some trouble. We’ve noticed that paranormal investigators seem to use the words…

The Creaky Catwalk

As you may have picked up from our various different blogs and websites around, we have three cats – and we’ve done our best to make our fur-kids as at home and entertained as possible. To this end, I created a series of cat-walks around the house (which I describe in an article on my…

When Darkness Calls – A Map Of The White House!

As I outlined in a post (on my author website) not too long ago, “When Darkness Calls” – Actually A True Story, the house in Port Elizabeth where the events described in “When Darkness Calls” took place – called “the White House” – was fairly thoroughly described in the book. However, for some odd reason,…

What Would You Do, When Darkness Calls?

It’s been a little quiet around here for a while, largely due to the intervening COVID-19 pandemic and the associated chaos, but I’ve just popped in quick to do a little self-promotion! Among the many hats I wear, one of them is that of an author – and one of my books recently got released…

About Those Mirrors…

Mirrors. Most homes have a few in them. Most people never think twice about them. Those who know a thing or two about the paranormal are well aware though that mirrors can be lots of different things – from spirit anchors, to divining tools – to portals. We may have mentioned before that we have…

Early Morning Cat Conundrum

We have 3 cats (Nyx, Ming and Lilly). Ming does not like Nyx but both love Lilly. That being said the obvious thing is all 3 would never really cuddle together, and so said a thing occurred 2 mornings ago. I woke at 5 am with a pressing need to relieve myself and finding myself…

A Happily Haunted Home by Christina Engela

Wendy and I live in a lovely early 20th century semi-detached house in Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth. I’ve lived there most of my life, since my 12th birthday (1985) when my mother and I moved in – and we lived there together until she died in 2013. I lived there alone for three years, until…


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